Sunday, October 7, 2018


A real peace is free from ones own conflicts. In other words, it is free from war between emotions and intellect. When we lead our life by buddhi or intellect, only then contentment is possible. Contentment or peace is the real happiness and only then, love is possible. I mean unconditional love which gives safety and security to others. Love always comes with feeling of giving (not taking). I love you means I’m willing to give or sacrifice for you with full happiness.

Pleasures are just pleasures and nothing wrong with it but they are very limited. We do need them sometimes to keep life juicy. If we stuck with ever changing emotions or conflicting desires, only confusion prevails. Especially as we grow older, we should learn to keep distance from emotions. Else family, society or world will not tolerate us. I see that everywhere.

Clarity is something beyond emotions. Some examples of the day to day emotions which handicap us are morning laziness to wake up very late, procrastination, emotional expectations from others, attachment, being afraid of what others think about us, don’t feel like eating, don’t feel like sleeping etc. we are human beings and we do have emotions. But
if we are not aware of our feelings that trap us, we might lose ourselves and it will affect our health.

How to be aware?
 1. Everyday spend some time for ourselves
2. Being in the company of people who are clear and balanced.
3. Makes choices based on clarity.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Beautiful enlightening song from Thevaram by Thirugnanasambandar

I happened to listen to this song today from Thevaram. The moment I listened to it, it went deep into my heart.
What a profound song for all the people who does spiritual practices everyday!!!!. Forever in-debt to Thirugnanasambandar. Sometimes even when you practice and given all your best efforts, some things might cloud our spirit and create confusion due to past karma(or habits). But the moment you listen to Namashivaya, the self illuminates(I don’t know how)and deep sense of clarity and peace prevails.. I witnessed many a times and when I try to understand, it’s probably because of the surrender to HIM and the instant relaxation of myself from my own ego. When I experience the space beyond or bigger than my ego, what else can I say? Other than sit in silence with love and gratitude ❤️.

ஊனில் உயிர்ப்பை ஒடுக்கி, ஒண் சுடர்
ஞானவிளக்கினை ஏற்றி, நன் புலத்து
ஏனை வழி திறந்து, ஏத்துவார்க்கு இடர்
ஆன கெடுப்பன அஞ்சு எழுத்துமே.

பொ-ரை: உடம்பில் பிராணாயாமத்தால் உயிர்ப்புச்
சக்தியை ஒடுக்கி, ஞானவிளக்கம் பெறச் செய்து, அறிவைப் பெறும்
வாயில்களால் நல்ல மெய்யறிவை நாடி இறைவனைப்
போற்றுவார்கட்கு அறியாமையால் வரும் துன்பங்களைக் கெடுப்பன

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Master Ceremony

Martial arts remains as a myth to most of the people in the world. People see that as all about developing fighting skills and getting stronger physically-mentally. Most of the schools promote the same. Martial arts is a way of life. Getting a black belt shouldn’t be just an accomplishment. Rather it signifies the personal growth. I started learning karate in Aug-1999 and got my first black belt in May-2003. I strengthened my body and mind. I learnt several techniques and attended many tournaments. I had a very rich experience which I cherish always but I didn’t have clear purpose and connection between life and art.

After training with Master Bell, I learned about myself through the art. The art helps me to explore profound purpose of my being. The art is strategically in tuned to life. After 19 years of training in marital arts, I learned the tools to elevate myself to very balanced place within myself, a way to deal with day-to-day challenges, in a nutshell a way to live gracefully and teach the same to the people. August-05-2018 is very important day in my life. I’ve been granted 4th dan Black belt by Grand Master Bell. In traditional Tang Soo Do, 4th degree black belt is called as Sa Buh Nim (Master) which symbolizes many aspects of human growth. 

If I’ve to put it in simple terms, what a Master level would mean:-
Trained, Disciplined, Keen on listening and paying attention, Peaceful, Well Balanced, Strong & Humble, Loving & Caring, Very Patient & Tolerant, Truthful & Honest, Responsible, Help people to bring them out of their Darkness and never accompany them in their weakness.

Today I’m more humble than ever, more loving & caring than ever, more patient & tolerant than ever and I understand where I came from and where I’m now in my life. I understand that one lifetime will not be enough to truly master an art which makes art/life always fresh and interesting. I see there is nothing more precious than oneself in this world. Realizing oneself and valuing that, will completely change the quality of our life. One will experience the real freedom when one is ready to lose everything except oneself.