Martial arts remains as a myth to most of the people in the
world. People see that as all about developing fighting skills and getting
stronger physically-mentally. Most of the schools promote the same. Martial
arts is a way of life. Getting a black belt shouldn’t be just an accomplishment.
Rather it signifies the personal growth. I started learning karate in Aug-1999
and got my first black belt in May-2003. I strengthened my body and mind. I
learnt several techniques and attended many tournaments. I had a very rich
experience which I cherish always but I didn’t have clear purpose and
connection between life and art.
After training with Master Bell, I learned about myself
through the art. The art helps me to explore profound purpose of my being. The
art is strategically in tuned to life. After 19 years of training in marital
arts, I learned the tools to elevate myself to very balanced place within
myself, a way to deal with day-to-day challenges, in a nutshell a way to live
gracefully and teach the same to the people. August-05-2018 is very important
day in my life. I’ve been granted 4th dan Black belt by Grand Master
Bell. In traditional Tang Soo Do, 4th degree black belt is called as
Sa Buh Nim (Master) which symbolizes many aspects of human growth.
If I’ve to put it in simple terms, what a Master level would
Trained, Disciplined, Keen on listening and paying
attention, Peaceful, Well Balanced, Strong & Humble, Loving & Caring,
Very Patient & Tolerant, Truthful & Honest, Responsible, Help people to
bring them out of their Darkness and never accompany them in their weakness.
Today I’m more humble than ever, more loving & caring
than ever, more patient & tolerant than ever and I understand where I came
from and where I’m now in my life. I understand that one lifetime will not be
enough to truly master an art which makes art/life always fresh and
interesting. I see there is nothing more precious than oneself in this
world. Realizing oneself and valuing that, will completely change the quality
of our life. One will experience the real freedom when one is ready to lose everything except