Friday, October 23, 2015


One thing that I learned early in my life is :-
Any Opportunity is really an opportunity only if it serve the purpose or address the need that we have. World always has plenty of opportunities and possibilities. We can grab any of them based on what we want. That's why it becomes very essential to know ourselves and what we want and be strong and clear with it. We have to stand for something, otherwise we might fall for everything. As a human being, we are much bigger than all the roles that we take in our life. Roles might change, people might change, places might change but we remain steady, clear and calm. It's a beautiful place to be within and integrity blossoms. If we are not clear about who we are, mind/emotions will play its role and it will not allow us to settle down.  We need to find a way to raise above our impulses and distractions. Only then, we can live our dreams. 


Sathya Narayanan said...

Good one! But how to get the clarity?

Thirumoorthy Gunasekaran said...

Clarity will come once we learn to use our intellect and intuition. We need to find tools to discipline our mind and emotion.